Get Involved
Food Pantry
The HCM Food Pantry is open five days a week and can always use a spare hand for one or two days per week especially in these areas:
- Drivers with a pick-up truck or SUV
- Office help with client check-ins and verification
- Stocking shelves
Call the Dare to Care Pantry Coordinator at (502) 451-3695 ext. 260 if you have an interest.

Volunteer Linda in the office
Meals on Wheels
“Frozen meals are delivered to elderly neighbors once and week, and drivers are needed to take the meals to the resident’s homes. Call 502-451-3695 x250 if interested.

Volunteer Patrick F. delivers food
Coaching Kids
Highlands Youth Sports organizes soccer, baseball, and basketball leagues throughout the year. If you have a love of sports and helping kids, give the HYR director a call at (502) 671-9701. (Background checks may be required depending upon assignment.)

Highlands Youth Recreation
Special Events
HCM has two major fundraisers per year—Taste of the Highlands in spring and Empty Bowls in October—and volunteers are gratefully welcomed to assist with either or both. Call the office at (502) 451-3695 ext. 200 if you would like to help us make these events a success while having a great time.

Annual Empty Bowls fundraiser
Have a special talent or skill you would like to share with others? HCM offers a variety of community music, dance, and art classes and is always looking to add new programs. If you have an idea for a class and the time to make it a reality, give the HCM office a call at (502) 451-3695 ext. 200.