Senior Housing
There are two senior apartment communities in the Highlands: Highlands Court near Bellarmine and the Woodbourne House at Douglass Loop. Interested individuals who meet age and income requirements should inquire at the numbers listed with each property below.
HCM does not manage these properties nor take applications for residency. HCM does offer help with social services to the residents and help applying for residency. Call 502/451-3695 x260 for more information on the social services help.
Highlands Court Apartments
Highlands Court Apartments offers 99 apartments to senior adults (aged 62 or over) and adults with disabilities (mobility). Highlands Court Apartments were developed for the purpose of providing decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing through Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 202. Highlands Court Apartments are jointly owned by Highlands Community Ministries and Bellarmine University. Residents at Highlands Court Apartments are able to receive Section 8 Rental Subsidy if they qualify. Highlands Court Apartments are managed by Underhill & Associates, Inc.
To apply for an apartment at Highlands Court Apartments, you must apply in person at the property, located at 1720 Richmond Avenue, Louisville, KY 40205. Appointments may be made by calling (502) 454-7395.

Woodbourne House
Woodbourne House, located at 2204 Woodford Avenue, offers 11 apartments for eligible seniors in a restored mansion at Douglass Loop. HCM operates a Senior Nutrition Center on the first floor of the house. The Woodbourne House is managed by New Directions Housing Corporation.
For more information on how to apply, contact New Directions at (502) 589-2272.

Highlands Court and the Woodbourne House comply fully with the Fair Housing Laws, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, Executive Order 11063, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, and any legislation protecting the individual rights of residents, applicants, or staff. Highlands Court Apartments does not discriminate based on race, color, sex, familial status, religion, disability, national origin, or sexual orientation. Residents are selected by the Tenant Selection Plan of Highlands Court Apartments approved by HUD.