Food Pantry
Most items come to the food pantry free of charge from the Dare to Care warehouse, local retailers and our supporting congregations. And we always welcome personal donations!
Clients receive food orders and/or Senior Commodities once per month, as well as fresh produce weekly. An ID and proof of address are required. Those in an emergency food situation are encouraged to make an appointment by calling HCM at (502) 451-3695 ext. 260.
Every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
10:00 A.M. till 1:00 P.M.
Highlands Community Ministries
1228 E. Breckinridge St., at the corner of Barret Avenue, 40204.
To find a food pantry outside the 40204, 40205, and 40218 Zip Codes, contact Dare to Care at (502) 966-3821 or visit